She handed him a small wafer.
Stok opened a packet of small wafers and spooned a large portion on to each.
Halla sat forward and fingered a small black wafer of silicon.
Peddled by street hawkers, it is usually served with small wafer or sugar cones and more recently, bread buns.
It is usually served with small wafer or sugar cones and recently, bread buns.
But near the instep there is a small circular wafer of paper with the shopman's hieroglyphics upon it.
The visual delights included the small sushi-like wafers of material that, when placed in water, became floating flower gardens.
A separate tray offered an assortment of tidbits, nuts, and small wafers.
He and his collaborators throw molecular switches together onto a small wafer with small gold particles.
These days, small wafers of silicon precisely control tens of millions of personal computers.