The small, slender victim stared intently at the defendant in court and firmly pointed him out as the assailant.
We hope that it will continue for the smallest victims of these attacks.
Reporters are reluctant to appear to exploit the very young, and the smallest victims of disasters seldom provide good sound bites.
There were many victims, great and small.
Fruit as well as sheep parts and "other small victims" were likely used.
If anything, Lucent's decline shows how rapid change in the telecommunications industry has resulted in victims both big and small.
The Shadow picked up the small victim of a high-tension current of electricity.
For the smallest victims of terminal illness, and for those adults who cannot physically get to a meeting or appointment, the center goes to them.
But as the archaeologists brought their shovels and began to dig, they found the bones of the small victims in profusion.
But theological arguments were inadequate when he came face to face with these smallest victims of fate.