Using a smaller rear rotor will save weight and allow for better modulation of the rear brake while more efficiently using the wheel's braking capacity.
The Nagler NH-120 was developed to test the concept of counter-acting rotor torque with a small separate rotor.
Engine powered a small rotor which lifted the model up; a larger free-wheeling rotor auto-rotated the model down when the fuel ran out.
Dont know about a car but many biologists can probably tell you what happens with ultracentrifuges with a small rotor when they lose balance.
At its heart is a small rotor with four blades, together about 300 micrometers wide, or the width of three human hairs.
See the smaller rotor, spinning at the end of the tail?
Using two rotors means that a smaller rotor with slower-moving rotor tips can be used, compared to a single-rotor design.
The skimmer he saw had small rotors - gasoline-powered, no doubt - as assists.
In July 1754, Mikhail Lomonosov demonstrated a small tandem rotor to the Russian Academy of Sciences.
Cross country racers typically run smaller rotors which can handle smaller braking loads yet offer a considerable weight savings of as much as 100g per rotor.