The 50 ml vial should be used for treating small piglets.
Not so much as a single hair from the pink hide of the smallest piglet has been lost.
When this occurs, smaller or weaker piglets are at risk of starving to death.
John owned a sow with six small piglets.
My Mama, who left for that great pig heaven in the sky when I was just a small piglet, always impressed upon me the importance of being polite.
The smaller piglet was the first to move from the shelter of the bush.
Yellow talons struck the smaller piglet in the kidneys.
Runt, an unusually small and weak piglet, often one in a litter.
Somewhere a bird complained at the sudden dark, and at their feet a small pink piglet rooted in the dead leaf mold.
Pip Pig - He is a small piglet, who likes playing with things (e.g. his kite, his bike, etc.).