Outside bets typically have smaller payouts with better odds at winning.
If the founders are risk-averse and are willing to trade a much smaller payout for lower risk.
He also wanted games that paid more frequent, smaller payouts.
Retirees and others investing mainly for income may consider Lucent's small payout a letdown, too.
She said that employees received small payouts at retirement.
However, unlike a regular parlay, if some of the individual bets lose, but most win, the bettor still wins, although with a much smaller payout.
But he said he was given only seven days to move or else receive a smaller payout.
This would be the case, for example, where the smallest payout exceeds the player's current wealth, as it does in Menger's game.
"Usually this method results in small annual payouts while allowing the balance of the account to grow tax-deferred."
If you have family members to consider, you might accept a smaller monthly payout in return for more security.