He is also designing small parachutes specialized for ground launches.
Garner tossed him a kerchief the size of a small parachute.
The dropsonde is slowed and stabilized by a small parachute.
A small initial parachute was to have popped out at 108,000 feet and six minutes later, a 35-foot-wide parafoil.
The green flare sailed high, burst, and floated down on its small parachute.
There were hundreds of the balls, each one sprouting a small parachute.
The first rocket was a flare, one of the newly designed ones with a small parachute.
A series of seven small parachutes deploy, slowing our velocity further.
Children 7 to 10 years old make small parachutes and helicopters.
There's a small parachute with a little package coming down, and it's going to land pretty close.