At 04:00 a small outpost to the rear of the company position was attacked by more than 50 Chinese.
However, many of today's large, formal settlements began as small outposts.
Having started with one small outpost, the company now has roughly 50 branches around the city.
They were marched, with several other slaves taken or sold in the war, for a dozen miles to a small outpost.
Education and the retention of small British outposts were also discussed.
The other three Cohorts will establish similar but smaller outposts to the north, south, and east.
The most forward of these were small outposts designed for surveillance.
The colony was not more than a small outpost and never matured.
During 1265 through 1271, he had driven the Franks to a few small coastal outposts.
They can range from small outposts to military cities containing up to 100,000 people.