Still only motes compared to the ship itself, their masses were measured in thousands upon thousands of tons, and they plummeted together, outspeeding the smaller lifeboats.
Perry Rhodan had sped the small lifeboat up to full speed.
A smaller second lifeboat is also available.
Recreational sailors usually carry inflatable life rafts or small proactive lifeboats that are unsinkable, and can be sailed to safety.
A small lifeboat (8 x 1.7 m/26 x 5.6 ft) was provided for the escape of the 12-man complement.
Many women and children are reluctant to get in a small, cramped lifeboat, and Murdoch and Lightoller must use force to put them in.
The small lifeboat was launched and the crew left the Alvis.
Hours later, he was in the middle of the desert, heading for a small lifeboat sent down on auto to pick him up.
It looked as though Gijan had drifted here in a small lifeboat.
Halloran would ride an even smaller lifeboat from War Loot toward the kzin fleet.