She said that when working with such clients she often turns to small landlords, who are more willing to consider them.
A small landlord may be open to dropping the rent after an apartment has been empty for a month.
To those who have dealt over the years with small landlords, the major pitfall is obvious.
Like all landlords, large and small, I soon found that in any apartment house, plumbing is by far the biggest source of grief.
The problem, he said, is an official attitude of hostility to small landlords.
He married with the daughter of a small local landlord in 1965.
Another benefit for some small landlords comes through rules covering depreciation.
Some say that rent regulation makes it hard for small landlords to keep up their buildings.
He was too easily identified with the English cause and the conservatism of the small landlords.
It is a theme that runs through the small landlord's life.