The Little Egret (Egretta garzetta) is a small white heron.
It is a small heron, 43-55 cm long, with dark slaty wings, body, and crested head, with a white throat and neck.
Butorides is a genus of small herons.
It is a relatively small heron, pale, slightly bluish-grey, with yellow legs and white facial markings.
Formerly lumped with the Little Bittern, it is one of the smallest herons in the world.
This is a very small bittern and one of the smallest herons in the world.
Ardeola is a genus of small herons, typically 40-50 cm long with 80-100 cm wingspan.
This is a member of the Ixobrychus genus that contains many of the smallest herons in the world.
It is among the smallest herons on earth.
The sturdy lily pads w places for the smaller herons and innumerable frogs.