He runs a small electronics shop a half-hour's drive outside of town.
In the 1970s, integrated circuits made the electronics small, light and cheap enough for multi-channel fully proportional control to become widely available.
I move on to witness number four, Mary Blanchard, seven, a secretary with a small electronics company.
The firm was originally named Abt Radio because it only sold small electronics in its early days.
Early in the twenty-first century though, humanity flirted with small electronics like music players and communication devices designed to be with you at all times.
"The new generation is going to be small, durable electronics that can be laundered," she said.
Their applications include small, portable electronics such as phones and laptop computers.
To Dan's surprise, George selected only a half-dozen small electronics items from the cargo.
It can hold a laptop and has a pouch for other small electronics.
It uses flash memory, a special kind of memory for very small electronics, instead of a hard drive.