The Bhar are primarily a community of small cultivators who supplement their income by wage labour.
As well as being agricultural laborers, small cultivators, toddy tappers, and liquor businessmen, some Ezhavas were also involved in weaving and some practised ayurvedic medicine.
The community consist mainly of small cultivators.
Reventlow was also instrumental in founding the public credit banks, which enabled small cultivators to borrow money on favorable terms.
In the Ambala and Karnal, the Gaddi were already a community of small cultivators, and they remain so in Pakistan.
These major agricultural industries can bring in revenues in the millions meanwhile, leaving the smaller cultivators to provide exotic vegetables for the resort chain restaurants and tourism industries.
The big cultivators who have occasion to indent on their services more frequently than the small cultivators make larger payments.
They are small cultivators, shop-owners and small workers.
Thus started a movement for some redistribution of land to small cultivators as a solution to the problems of Andalusia and Estremadura.
In Indian famines of which he had long experience, only landless labourers and smaller cultivators -'the submerged tenth'- needed relief.