Picking up a small crowbar, he pried away the top boards of a packing case.
His weapons are a pair of tongs and a small crowbar.
Bolan used a small crowbar to pry open the lid.
Scofield pried open the box with a small crowbar he removed from his belt, pulled out a penlight, and examined the wires.
I brought six extra blades-two of your blades, and four small crowbars for trading.
In his left hand he gripped the small crowbar for use as a fending weapon.
Leaving the car where it was, he ran across the open field to the lab and jimmied the door by main force with a small crowbar.
Lionel handed him a small crowbar and said, "Take this.
The small crowbar.
Rolfe pulled a small crowbar from his bag and loosened the crate's nails.