The reverse won't work, as the smaller chassis generally are physically too small to fit a larger board.
This is tough in smaller chassis, which often pack things very cleverly.
It was first built, on small chassis only, in 1974, replacing the Panorama.
A light tank, with a Type 99A2 turret, 105 mm gun, and a small chassis, was also spotted.
The removal of the turret allows for a much larger gun to be carried on a smaller chassis.
Some smaller chassis can fit larger PSUs, but not all do.
Due to the weight and space constraints of the small chassis, the Marder series were not fully armored.
Lots of disks mean more vibration and more cables, which are hard to fit into a small chassis.
The System 8810 was functionally identical to the 8813, but in a smaller chassis, with 5 slots and only one minifloppy drive.
Each chip is mounted along with other components on a small chassis, called a blade.