It is a very small canine, and is considerably smaller than the red fox.
In many primates, small canines correlate with reduced inter-male competition for access to mates and less sexual dimorphism.
The Indri, on the other hand, has smaller canines and exhibits lower levels of aggression.
Some had dentition similar to felids, or modern cats, with smaller canines.
Alleged differences between it and known apes include a rounded forehead, small canines and its hair and skin colour.
About one in 500 males has two tusks, which occurs when the right canine, normally small and less straight, also grows out.
Others had teeth similar to modern cats, with smaller canines.
The Red fox is a small canine.
Unlike other oreodont species, they had small canines which would have done little good against foes.
Iceman was behind him along with a second living vampire, high-blood this time by his small but sharp canines.