Inside the storage area sat piled several small caches of what appeared to be different vegetables, fruits, tubers, and nuts.
Some incidents of small caches have been discovered, leading many to believe the stories of vast pirate treasures to be valid.
The first of the series was a cost-reduced version of the R5000 with smaller caches and a different pin-out.
Several small caches of chemical munitions at least 10 years old were found in Iraq between 2004 and 2006.
He sighed and then wrote tortuously, I have a huge store of ivory, but it is spread across this land, buried in small caches.
Furthermore, what little cache the PS2 has is divided up among a larger number of small caches.
As peace offerings, gangs in two neighborhoods abandoned small caches of weapons accompanied by hand-scrawled signs saying they were leaving town.
The British found small caches of arms but had no contact with suspected Taliban or Qaeda fighters.
In the last few weeks, the Taliban have concentrated on dispersing their weaponry around the countryside in smaller caches, he added.
"There's a lot of stuff around here, in small caches," he said.