Within 24 hours she is able to not only restore the plant to health, but has it producing small buds, much to Matthew's amazement.
It has a "necklace" of small green buds around its neck.
The young shoots are covered with whitish-grey down, including the small buds.
The horns are visible as small buds in newborns and grow rapidly during the first seven months.
Apparent on the rhizome are small buds that look like thorns.
The soft inner tissue of small apical buds is also a preferred item.
Looking down, Rae saw several small buds in the box below her window.
The twigs are slender with small, dark conical buds in a zigzag pattern.
But some small buds of hope were beginning to flourish.
The plant reproduces with seeds or by means of bulbils, small buds which drop off and develop into new plants.