The smallest broadcaster in the network, Channel Television, did not carry the programme.
It will cost even the smallest broadcaster at least $700,000 just to pass through a digital television signal from the network to the home.
The demand for accountability is forcing a new discipline on smaller broadcasters.
But medium-sized and smaller broadcasters were opposed to lifting the restrictions, fearing competition from powerful new rivals.
At the end of 1998, with 9,000 listeners per week, it was one of the two smallest commercial broadcasters in the UK.
Even some much smaller broadcasters are trying to use some Clear Channel tactics.
These small illegal broadcasters, who go on the air without federal licenses, already constitute a lively micro radio movement.
The original series run ended in 1982 but was revived a few years later with a different complexion of nations and hosted by smaller broadcasters.
However, many smaller broadcasters operate radio stations as well.
It is also likely, however, that industry employment will shrink and that small broadcasters will be squeezed out.