Some of those who don't claim their benefits may be less-poor workers whose small food-stamp allotment isn't worth the hassle of applying.
While Giyan's wails swirled around her, she allowed herself a small allotment of tears.
Last week, both chains received small allotments of the shoes James wears for home games and sold them out rapidly.
There were small allotments ringing each of the silvery hemispheres, laid out with uniform precision.
We were now required to devote a certain percentage of our time to sleep, whether in regular small allotments or in periodic long slumbers.
The area to the west of Nelson Street generally contains smaller allotments and is more heavily industrialised.
These rights would be replaced, at enclosure, by small allotments of land.
In 1848 new land regulations were introduced, and the squatters' runs were subdivided into smaller allotments over the following years.
All that remained of the once extensive common was a small rectangular allotment of land.
Around 1902, the plantation was bought by the government and parceled out in small allotments for immigrants who had served out their contracts.