Leon flopped to the ground with such force that his palms smacked loudly and his forehead bounced with a crack.
Heavy drops of rain smacked loudly against dead leaves, the sky as dark as dusk, winter-bare trees drifting in and out of the fog.
He took this to the rail, and, leaning out, he smacked the water loudly with the blade: Slap!
She could smell his aftershave mixed with the sickly sweet smell of his gum, which he smacked loudly in her ear.
He saw her notice and put the pacifier in his mouth, smacking loudly.
The blow smacked loudly upon Dunk's cheek, and so nearly sent him out of the saddle that he grabbed for the horn to save himself.
The other girls' bodies shot out horizontally to smack the water loudly, but lantha slipped in with the smooth, unhurried motion of a diving seal.
She stepped back and tripped, her head smacking loudly on n chunk of concrete.
He smacked loudly as he drained a gallon of dry martini at a gulp.
That done, he loudly smacked his lips and passed it to Doubting George.