It flicked back, and the second Japanese stood frozen as his companion wilted slowly.
As the three of them stood staring, without answering, the Alien's black whiskers slowly wilted again.
The bishop stared at him for a moment, and his expression slowly wilted.
Apollo refused to forgive Clytia for betraying his beloved, and a grieving Clytia wilted and slowly died.
But Pittsburgh slowly wilted under the pressure created by Virginia Commonwealth's full-court press.
His antennas wilted slowly.
I took a vase of orchids that had been slowly wilting on my desk and put them in the living room.
Once he gained his feet, but his legs were too weak to sustain him, and he slowly wilted and sank back into the snow.
Big league dreams and hopes for second chances wilt slowly, even for 50-year-old minor leaguer lifers.
And watched them slowly wilt.