Chip pointed out the mining pit below in the distance, a broad ugly scar the jungle was slowly reclaiming.
Then the microbes themselves would gradually be replaced by more solid growth, the way trees slowly reclaim land clogged with underbrush.
But King Kaumualii was wrong, and the jungle vegetation slowly reclaimed his lava-stone fortification.
Like other minorities, female homosexuals are slowly reclaiming a word that was once used to hurt them in the past.
And if he should come to my house, I'd jump out the window and run for the swamp that was slowly reclaiming my back lawn.
The earth slowly reclaims its own.
Nature is slowly reclaiming and transforming this artifice.
In the novel, as Quoyle slowly reclaims his life, Wavey is only one agent of his transformation.
The military were slowly but systematically reclaiming some order from the confusion, dividing and subdividing the city as they would, in time, the entire country.
But the government considers the exercise a way of slowly reclaiming the country.