Woburn Hill has "slowly permeable seasonally wet slightly acid but base-rich loamy and clayey soil".
The slowly permeable clay soils are slightly calcareous in nature and this is reflected in elements of the flora.
Vernal pools form where an impermeable or very slowly permeable layer underlies small and shallow depressions and creates a perched water table.
Paxton soils have slowly permeable dense till (lodgement till) layer (Cd horizon) that perch seasonal water tables.
When semi-confined aquifers are present, the resistance to vertical flow in the slowly permeable top-layer and the overpressure in the aquifer, if any, are taken into account.
The latter may develop a hydraulic over or under pressure below the slowly permeable top-layer (aquitard).
Gley soils may be sticky and hard to work, especially where the gleying is caused by surface water, held up on a slowly permeable layer.
Most of the area around Stanton Drew have neutral to acid red loamy soils with slowly permeable subsoils.
The area around the village has several dairy and arable farms on neutral to acid red loamy soils with slowly permeable subsoils.
Hume is a soil type that is well drained and slowly permeable.