They corroded slowly, snowing ebony flakes onto the surrounding soil until enough had been shed to make the whole unstable.
Gold coins salvaged from shipwrecks retain almost all of their original appearance, but silver coins slowly corrode.
One dose would be harmless, but repeated day after day it is slowly corroding the intellect of the nation.
If a pipeline is not properly maintained, it can begin to corrode slowly, particularly at construction joints, low points where moisture collects, or locations with imperfections in the pipe.
It will decay and corrode slowly over the years, perhaps even over the centuries- May give rise to a few digestive upsets for some passing fish.
Coinage metals, such as copper and silver, slowly corrode through use.
Zinc acts as the anode (negative terminus) by slowly corroding away as it passes electric current to the steel pipeline.
A zinc disc attached to a ship's iron rudder will slowly corrode while the rudder stays unattacked.
It should have little effect on the appearance of the slowly corroding copper sheet around it.
However, only passing reference was made in the statement to the problem of 8,000 spent uranium fuel rods that are currently slowly corroding in a cooling pond at Yongbyon.