It serves as a slower alternate rural route to Interstate 77 and the western bypass of Rock Hill.
The middle class route is just a slower route to penury.
Daniel Grant had the money transferred to an Earth bank before his father sobered up, and then followed immediately thereafter, by a slower route.
If he had one sure loser, he would probably choose a slower route, so two major-suit voids are likely, improbable as that is in theory.
During the summer months, waterbuses provide a slower but more scenic route from Helsinki.
I took the slower route south in October, and enjoyed seeing the quaint seaside villages.
He opted for a slower route through the forest, moving tree to tree, crawling from one cluster of hardwoods to the next.
Most experts favor a direct three no-trump bid with this hand, and use the slower route when holding a stopper.
They would have to take a slower route, up an old fire escape that The Shadow had noted at the back of the building.
He could think of no reason why Harald, wounded and perhaps sorely pressed, would have chosen the slower, more tortuous route.