A fall in petrol prices of 1p per litre between October and November also helped bring down inflation, as did a slower rise for clothes this year compared with 2010.
As a result, the suburbs have had a slower rise in rents, Mr. McKee said.
The increases, the smallest in three years, reflected a slower rise in landlords' costs.
The slower rise in temperature would grant humanity more time to reduce carbon emissions before a major climate related catastrophe was likely to strike.
Cleveland expects "very little moderation in inflation" through the end of the year, while Richmond reports a slower rise in input prices.
The IEA predicts a 20% rise in biofuel production to 2.2m b/d by 2015, although that is a slower rise than in the past.
The NHS, in particular, will find this length of constraint and the longer-term need for slower rises in spending very problematic.
Mr. Clinton credits Project Success for a slower rise in welfare caseloads than the national average.
In adults, the cells often are destroyed more slowly, resulting in a slower rise in blood sugar level and a slower onset of diabetes symptoms.
The song had a slower rise in the United Kingdom, where it debuted at number 70 on the week ending June 20, 2009.