Typical power supply lines show inherent inductance, which results in a slower response to change in current.
Response accepted from K-4093, inhibiting slower responses from K-3724 and K-2314, Selecting subproblem 385.
Zero belongs to neither list, hence the slower responses.
Suppressed expression of some selectins results in a slower immune response.
Typically have slower response times than Plasmas, which can cause ghosting and blurring during the display of fast-moving images.
It's the slower responses that determine the time scale and the magnitude of climatic change.
When partners are more or less the same age, this slower response will be balanced by the older man's more delayed reactions.
Select a flowmeter and pressure transmitter with faster or slower response.
The ploy worked with Crankenshaft's drones on days he programmed them for slower responses, to make the chase "entertaining."
Are you paid up for Priority Fire Care, or are you prepared to wait for the cheaper, slower response?