The CPI is the one that indicates a slower increase in prices.
They included a slower increase for the defence budget.
There are still some concerns about the safety of lamotrigine, but a smaller initial dose and slower increases in dosage may reduce some of the risks.
The Republican assertion is, of course, that there are no cuts being made, only slower increases.
Reason for Decline Is Debated Researchers are arguing fiercely about the reasons for the somewhat slower increase in incidence of the disease.
C. australis is relatively stout trunked and has a large number of closely spaced fronds emerging at one time,with a slower increase in trunk height.
This reflected a slower increase in employment growth following the restructuring of the state-owned enterprises (SOE).
We have had slower increases in yields and increasing global consumption.
Its predictions assume increased use of computers and office equipment, and slower increases in fuel efficiency for cars and trucks.
Falling apparel prices, along with slower increases in shelter and medical care costs, helped keep the core increase tame.