This, and the incompatibility of the systems were factors in the slow uptake and eventual downfall of quadraphonic recordings.
It is typical of Taisto's rather slow uptake that he sits quietly until he hears the shot, then saunters over to see what went wrong.
Electric cars such as the Nissan Leaf are still quite expensive to buy, which may be one reason for their slow uptake.
The costs which the airline incurs, in conjunction with low quality of service, poor marketing, high insurance premiums and a slow uptake on new technology, has restricted growth potential for the airline.
Being and Event offers an example of this slow uptake, in fact: it was translated into English only in 2005, a full seventeen years after its French publication.
This is one factor in the slow uptake in the use of sensors that have been marketed in the United States.
The slow uptake that @alisheff talks about is something we have found as well.
It'll have a slow uptake because of course websites can't use it robustly until all the browsers support it uniformly.
CO has the slowest uptake and the highest resistance into the terminal bronchioles.
Another factor that some analysts say has clouded the figures this year is the slow uptake of Microsoft's Windows 2000 software.