When a pulsar's spin period slows down sufficiently, the radio pulsar mechanism is believed to turn off (the so-called "death line").
Although he was unable to avoid a collision, Jones slowed the train sufficiently that he was the only fatality of the accident, which happened at 3:42 a.m.
For all the signs of current strength, economists remain divided over whether the economy will slow sufficiently to avoid a rate increase by the Fed in August.
A 15-minute engine burn slowed the spacecraft sufficiently for it to be captured by Mercury's gravity.
By our calculations, it will take us ten years to accelerate, and another ten to slow sufficiently to let us enter the system.
The Federal Reserve voted today to leave interest rates unchanged, betting that the economy was slowing sufficiently to avert a resurgence of inflation.
If the rate exceeds a designated limit, the contestant may not answer more questions and loses money until it slows sufficiently.
When the train slowed sufficiently and the lines began to form at both inner doors, he would make his move.
He figured if the aircraft could slow down enough to land on carriers, then they could slow sufficiently for parachutists to exit and deploy their parachutes.
The Fed and most private economists are now counting on the Asia crisis to slow the economy sufficiently to avoid a continuing buildup in inflationary pressures.