A slow counter, counts the slow oscillations.
The sail was undulating in slow, stately oscillations, sending multiple images of the Sun marching across it, until they faded away at its edges.
And he watched the slow, uncertain oscillations of the pendulum at the Rim itself.
Weave is the word used to describe a slow (0-4 Hz) oscillation between leaning left and steering right, and vice-versa.
The slow oscillation periodically inhibits bursting, so that bursts are separated by periods of quiescence.
These slow oscillations can be, for example, slow fluctuations in calcium concentration inside a cell.
The slow oscillations of the short threads created an illusion of trembling water.
In learning before sleep spindles are redistributed to neuronally active upstates within slow oscillations.
The tail stopped its slow oscillation.
The first plot shows that when is a slow oscillation, the pendulum quickly falls over when disturbed from the upright position.