Both types of pacemakers kick in when the heart rate drops to a predetermined "slow" level.
The camp continued to function at a slow level until September 1906 when it received a big boost when the Bullfrog-Goldfield Railroad reached Thorp.
It seems that the Wiradjuri were willing to tolerate this slow level of growth and peaceful relations were maintained during this period.
And new housing construction fell to the slowest level in four months.
Wall Street barely went through the motions yesterday as stock trading dropped to its slowest level of the year.
Preparations began on a slow level, but gained speed in the fall of 1918, when the military catastrophe for Germany became more and more obvious to the public.
Players can choose between two "types" of levels; slow levels or fast levels.
Volume on the Big Board shrank to an expectedly slow pre-weekend level of 165.9 million shares, from a hefty 225.5 million shares on Thursday.
Despite lacking an overseas empire, Poland maintained a slow but steady level of economic development.
"He's on the poor level - very slow," his teacher said.