The chauffeur started the car and came to a slow purring halt beside the two girls.
He came to a slow halt beside me, his eyes never leaving mine to touch upon the car even once.
Richard brought the horses to a slow halt in front of her.
Ro came to a slow halt and stared at the wall that blocked her path.
The police brought the suspects to a slow halt and they were arrested.
Just let the glider expire and then friction will bring you to a slow halt.
On the viewer, the Choraii ship shuddered to a slow halt.
The beggar horde came to an undisciplined and slow halt at a sign from its leader.
The thief came to a slow, rubbery halt only feet from the ground, and hung there helplessly.
Miraculously, the car came to a reasonably slow halt on the shoulder of the road, and we both seemed in one piece.