Usually stuck in traffic, the day is a slow grind.
What I do expect is a painfully slow grind higher in growth over the coming five years.
It's a long, slow grind; while 2Pac doesn't sing, other voices do, providing smooth melody.
Yet we know that not even the best technology, unattended, stands a chance against the slow grind of nature.
The day had been a slow grind from morning to midafternoon with not much to show for it.
Judge Wachtler is now home with his wife of 41 years awaiting the slow grind of the courts he led.
Entertainment companies are likely to face a long, slow grind in influencing consumers to alter their habits.
She started a slow grind, working him deliberately with a strength and purpose that would drive him crazy.
He was fumbling angrily with something, massive arms moving in a slow grind of rage.
"I wouldn't be surprised if a slow, downward grind continues for the rest of the month."