While revenue and earnings growth will slow from the 1995 pace, they say, profits will still be healthy.
Further evidence emerged today that the economy was slowing from the rapid pace of the early part of the year.
The Fed officials said they were encouraged by indications that economic growth was slowing from the robust pace in the first half of the year.
Her heart gradually slowed from the rapid pace it had set ever since he touched her.
The action in round two had slowed from the blistering pace of round one.
Growth in the domestic monetary supply has slowed by about one-third from the pace of the spring.
Over all, sales last month seemed to slow from the torrid pace set in March.
Those plans come as growth here begins to slow from the blistering pace of the last 18 months.
Auto sales slowed in May for the second straight month from the rapid pace of early spring, growing a modest 3 percent.
The auto industry's sales slowed slightly from the blistering pace set over the summer and early autumn, but were still extremely strong.