It ended with a slow white flame that continued to burn.
Her chest contracted as the vodka went down, a slow flame filling her esophagus, like swallowing a burning match.
The fire burned its steady, slow flame, and phantoms danced in its incandescent core.
The night wisp landed lightly on the woman's shoulder and rested there quietly while Kahlan watched the fire glow with small slow flames.
Every few feet he would stop, then continue, and a slow flame would rise up in his wake to burn in a small red glow.
I knew him only by that; by the surprise in his eyes, the admiration; the slow flame of desire.
He could feel his pulse beating like the rhythm of slow flame in the bones of his skull.
Now, I felt myself drying up, burning with a slow flame and, like a piece of paper, crumbling to dust when he sought to ignite my interest.
The awareness turning his eyes lambent kindled a flickering heat within her, slow, soft flames that ate fatally at her will-power.
It stood in a jar of warm water being heated over a slow flame from a charcoal burner.