Meath slouched low in his chair, elbows propped on its arms and fingertips pressed together in front of his face.
Even then, in daylight, they had slouched low, to avoid being seen by passing motorists who might signal the driver about his stowaways.
He was slouched low in his chair, affecting the sightless stare of a man overdosed with dope.
James slouched low in his seat in class one day in November.
Randolph slouched low in the saddle, wrapping his thick woolen cape as tightly around himself as possible.
Kelly glanced over at Arby, who was slouched low in his seat, frowning.
Shaddam slouched low in the balcony chair, but it felt too hard against his back.
Observing him slouched low in the seat, resting his head back, she' faced the fact that his pressing weariness touched her.
He was slouched so low, his head wasn't visible in the rearview mirror.
Slouching low and assuming the casual gait of a vacationing tourist, he walked east toward Pier 53.