Wild parties, drinking on duty, brutality, and a sloppy appearance were generally accepted in a ghetto command, as long as you got the job done.
Conversely, when I have played characters who have a sloppy appearance, I usually want to clean myself up and leave that character in the theater.
The floppy ear flaps, turned up and untied, gave the gunman an uncharacteristic sloppy, even comic appearance.
Auxiliary tanks for single-H were fitted around the Stone's middle, giving her a fat and sloppy appearance, but greatly improving her mass-ratio for the ordeal.
Grapheme (letter) formation becomes labored, uncoordinated, and takes on a very sloppy appearance.
It didn't go well with his otherwise sloppy personal appearance.
He marched everywhere at the double, and was said to loathe what he saw as the sloppy appearances of the CID officers under his nominal charge.
Diverse visual representations of John range from an overweight, oversized, sloppy appearance to a dignified and elegant character.
In another, a teacher's sloppy appearance was at issue.
While she is often critical of his sloppy appearance, she encourages him where she can.