But according to lawyers who must wade through the new requirements placed on bankruptcy candidates, the 2005 law was sloppily written.
But the movie is so sloppily written and directed that its bits of bluster never cohere.
The point he's making is not that Google intends some nefarious use for this, but merely that this was sloppily written.
"How to Deal" is an awkwardly directed, unevenly acted, sloppily written movie.
Here he creatively used elementary, childlike script sloppily written in kana under the actor faces.
The film is so sloppily written that the precise qualities of Orky's good-natured spirit are never clear.
But the Federal rules putting the law into effect were sloppily written and confusing.
"No," he said at last, "the conclusions are sloppily written up, but the data looks solid enough."
The reports were sloppily written, perfunctory, and filled with careless misspellings.
Administrative judges can dismiss sloppily written tickets.