Behind us the slope stretched up and up to the flattened top of the hill, where the stone circle stood, and then down again to the cart track.
Beyond and down a gentle slope stretched a wide green meadow, still damp and silent in the weak, late-morning sun.
To the left, pine-clad slopes, frowning cliffs, narrow gorges, and blue peaks stretched away as far as the eye could reach.
There a long, bare slope stretched upward and eastward to a line of broken stone.
'So that the west slope of the valley actually stretched above you.'
Slightly farther back and up the slope, perhaps one hundred twenty feet away, was a second abri, but stretching more or less continually along the same terrace level.
This slope stretched downwards for half a mile or more to the lip of a beautiful lake, of which the area was perhaps two hundred acres.
The slopes of mud, covered with the bodies of dead birds and fish, stretched above him like the shores of a dream.
The slope stretched a vast way down.
The slope of birch stretched toward the coast.