The downward slope eased, and the tunnel began to straighten.
I warned her the last time,' said Cadfael, when the slope eased, 'that if she did not keep her rages in check the next fit might be the last.
Once they worked their way free of the Axe Blades, the high road straightened out again and the long, steep slopes eased.
Above the halfway point the slope eased and the two amateurs regained their spirits.
The slope eased until she was able to stand upright, catching at a rock or shrub occasionally when footing was uncertain.
The slope eased at the base, and we tumbled to a bruising halt at the bottom of the chasm.
Finally the slope eased.
The slope eased, the General leveled out and Dimitri smashed into the field.
After an hour they came to a slight dip where the slope eased and found that the ground became almost level.
The slope eased.