"For example, each roof could inflect toward the memorial and the slopes could decrease, beginning with Tower 1's roof as the greatest slope."
The slide broadened and its slope decreased.
A shallow slope decreased to the best response at 1 kHz with a threshold of 8dB, followed by a steep threshold increase above 4 kHz.
The slope in the floor had decreased markedly.
As Kitchen Creek continues to cut into the rock and erode it up the Allegheny Front, the creek's slope will decrease and become less steep.
As the slope of the river channel decreases, it becomes unstable for two reasons.
Since the Young's modulus of the load-carrying fibers is generally lower than that of the matrix, the slope of the curve decreases with increasing load.
Note also that the slopes of both graphs decrease in absolute value as the discount decreases.
The slope of the valley decreases from 0.35% in the west to 0.14% in the east, a low gradient.
From north to south the average slope of the river decreases.