With a slap of its tail it slithered free and darted away, downstream, but then, halted by the barrier of wands, turned and, under the water, motionless, faced me.
Cover Martin or Anderson and watch Wayne Chrebet slither free.
But as he moved, a houlihan rippled down the chain and it loosened, so that the wrench slithered free with a musical sound.
Afraid one would slither free and slip out of my mouth, I said instead, "Was it God you were calling on to help you?
All at once she slithered free, and suddenly she was shooting toward the surface, toward the faint glow of light far above.
She laughed, then slithered free.
Her hair slithered free and spread across his hands to fall in a rich cloak to her waist.
He reached for the rigging and, with a sudden yank, he released the central eyebolt; the steel cable slithered free, and the sniper's nest was suddenly unanchored.
Reggie Miller, wispy thin but bright as tinsel on the court, had managed to slither free and take his favorite spot in Madison Square Garden.
The Father had too much practice with this-he knew how to tie up a child so that she couldn't slither free.