It's a slippery term, and can mean different things depending on who your source is.
Here we are speaking, actually, not of this slippery term, emotion, but, we believe, life force.
Realism is, of course, a slippery term.
The most slippery term is "crossover," once used to describe vehicles driven by combination of gas and electric power - we call these hybrids now.
Yet "political" in this context is a slippery term.
'Meaning' is a slippery term, since it can cover both sense and reference.
Since there are many possible specific reasons why exercise could be inhibited, this is a rather slippery term.
World music has always been a slippery term and is becoming more so with every Internet file transfer.
But "cult" is one of those slippery, nebulous terms that are difficult to define.
But storage is a slippery term used by clutterers to sustain their chaos.