He leaped backward, almost falling on the wet, slippery pavement.
They are like drivers who ignore warning signs about slippery pavement just around the bend, and instead wait until nearly the last second to apply the brakes.
A week ago, my wife and I took a hard fall on a slippery pavement on Lexington Avenue.
He sprinted along the slippery pavement.
These offer better traction on broken or slippery pavement, and are a relief in hard turns, where the wider rear tires inhibit road slip.
Note that on slippery pavement you will have to lift your foot almost entirely to regain wheel rotation.
In the past, drivers had to feather the gas pedal to prevent the drive wheels from spinning wildly on slippery pavement.
The icy rain slashed at him, and he stumbled again on the slippery pavement.
Comes a crash to our left, and a running of people to see a cab-horse down on the slippery, slanting pavement outside St. Martin's Church.
The first issue was rushed by automobile across pavements slippery with mud and rain to a waiting express train, reserved especially for the occasion.