If diesel fuel leaks onto the road, accidents to following cars can be caused by the slippery nature of the deposit, which is like black ice.
Coetzee's prose has, in contrast, an accessible ease that belies the slippery nature of his work as a whole.
The slippery nature of memory is what casts an atmosphere of unease over the novel".
Due to the slippery nature of the circuit, drivers were caught out and ended up inflicting damage to their cars.
Visitors are advised to allow the entire day, due to the steep and often slippery nature of the terrain.
As the situation explodes, allegiances are tested and the slippery nature of the truth is finally revealed.
However, due to the slippery nature of the track, the race did not occur.
It examines not only the slippery nature of truth versus delusion, but the American obsession of detailing our own lives with a camera.
Amid the apocalyptic talk, Mr. Koskinen acknowledged the slippery nature of the problem.
But if there was a persistent theme to the conference, it was the slippery nature of facts.