Hawk's strength doesn't compensate for his slippery grip.
I got a grip, albeit slippery, on myself.
A small hook which gives hold on small protrusions or watery and slippery grips.
But they had been distracted at a critical moment and were losing their slippery grips on their telepathic battering rams.
The stranger's hand was damp on Joe's arm, dirty fingernails blunt but digging in to secure the slippery grip.
Here it is halfway through April, and the slippery grip of winter hasn't quite relaxed its hold on the city.
Whatever slippery grip he had on control, he clamped tight now, fighting to catch his breath and hold to sanity.
And Blade was ready, his grip slightly slippery because of his dripping blood.
He got a slippery grip on a big blue ventral fin.
This may have been a kinetic mechanism to dig the marginal teeth more deeply into the prey, to help grip slippery or struggling items.