It has slipped to sixth place, with ratings having fallen about 7 percent from last year.
In that context, the war on terrorism slips to fifth place.
The following week, it made a 60% increase with $566,918 but still slipped to 6th place.
By this week, though, it had slipped to fifth place, at least in Moscow - national figures were not yet available.
Last year, it slipped to sixth place, but still had a total return of 24.19 percent.
By the sixth ballot he had slipped to fourth place.
During the break in fixtures, the team slipped to second place behind Rangers.
The week after that, it slipped to third place.
For that particular weekend, the film slipped to 5th place with a slightly higher theater count at 2,574.
Since then, it has lost two-thirds of the time and slipped to second place.