Shards of granite whistled through the air like sling stones and cut down others.
There'd be nothing to see, whether it's your scholar's meteor or the Shepherd's sling stone as simple folk like me were raised to think.
"There was a sling stone, a meteor, hitting the sea as we approached the island yesterday."
Arrows do not make him flee, sling stones are like chaff to him.
He retrieved the sling stones, the sling, and the knife.
Hoards of carefully selected sling stones have been found at both sites.
That had been the second sling stone.
Several sling stones have been found around them, offering some credence to the theory that slingers stood upon these platforms.
The flag consisted of a blue field with a central red-lined figure containing a Guamanian sling stone.
The sling stone is placed in the pouch.