But man its slim pickings on the county music channels.
I move my girls over to the East Side, but the pickings too slim there.
There's slim pickings if you're looking to really keep up with, say, US tv and the like, while the film selection is also pretty poor.
To date, however, it has been slim pickings in the market for the star's artifacts.
But given these slim pickings, investors might want another way to get their feet wet.
This is Christmas, after all - slim pickings are not exactly the order of the day.
But should the press become more interested in substance, it might find slim pickings.
It was slim pickings, but after a couple of hours I could see only one hope.
Fall clothes won't arrive until later this month, so anyone who feels like shopping right now will have slim pickings.
Our poor beasts will have slim pickings through the winter months.